tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 20 07:37:41 2004

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Re: Gray area

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Carol (Lady K'Lyssia) Hightshoe wrote:

>While I am no lawyer only a humble aspiring writer - I can tell you that
>there is another problem or than copyright you have to deal with and that is

I vaguely recall hearing that trademark infringement is easier to protect 
than violations of copyright, which is why Paramount (and others) legally 
establish both.

>Klingon is part of the Star Trek Universe and as such is protected under US
>and international Trademark laws and treaties.
>Paramount jealously guards both their copyrights and trademarks.

Indeed.  So much so that SkyBox translated the copyright notice on their 
tlhIngan Hol cards.

   TM, (R) & c. je tera' DIS wa'-Hut-Hut-vagh Paramount Pictures. Hoch SeH.
   Paramount Pictures malja' permey bIH Star Trek pong'e' Deghmey'e' je.
   bIH lo' SkyBox International, Inc. 'e' chaw'.

   TM, (R) c.1995 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. "Star Trek" and
   related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. SkyBox International,
   Inc. authorized user.                        [published in HolQeD 4.3:5]

Notice that since the words "Star Trek" are themselves trademarked, they're 
given in English, not in Klingon {Hov leng}.  Notice, too, that the Klingon 
for "trademark" is {malja' per}!

(I wonder whether the idea of translating this notice was Paramount's idea, 
or whether it was done facetiously by SkyBox and Okrand after the long 
process of getting Paramount's legal permission to publish this series of 
Trek collector cards.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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