tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 30 19:35:30 2004

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Re: about

QeS lagh ([email protected])


>    {tlhIngan Hol'e' maja'chuq} "We discuss Klingon"
>    {tlhIngan Hol'e' SoQ vImuch} "I present a lecture about Klingon"
>         (basically "I present a lecture, and Klingon is the topic").
>po'wI'vaD: taQ 'e' boHar'a', pagh bolajlaH'a'?

mujang SuStel:

>"Regarding the Klingon language: I present a lecture."  You're saying 
>presenting a lecture, including the context that you're referring to the
>Klingon language.  You are not saying that Klingon is the topic of your
>lecture, though you are implying it by giving the sentence the context of
>the Klingon language.

That's what I meant; admittedly, my translation didn't make it look that 
way. I was just wondering whether something like {tlhIngan Hol'e' SoQ 
vImuch} would be legal, and not interpreted as a bad noun-noun construction.


QeS lagh

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