tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 29 08:32:53 2004

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Re: Using object prefixes with "intransitive" verbs

QuljIb ([email protected])

From: "...Paul" <[email protected]>
>Perhaps another example (sure to get me into trouble) might be /lIt/ or
>"get on (to)"  Before I get introuble and say this could be likened to
>"board" (for which we already have /tIj/!), I'll just say that this is an
>example where in English, we would use a verb ("get") and an preposition
>("on"), in Klingon, is a single transitive verb:
>"I got on the roof"
>beb vIlItta'
> Of course, this is another crappy example, because there's going to be
>discussion about whether or not the locative /-Daq/ is used (although I
>think we have a canon pattern emerging where /-Daq/ is not necessary if
>the verb indicates motion...)

"David Trimboli" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Ooh, if you hadn't suggested that thing about motion, you'd have gotten it
>perfect.  It's not that /-Daq/ is not necessary if the verb implies >motion. It's that there are a number of specific verbs whose objects are
>automatically locative concepts.  The object of /jaH/, for example, is
>always the destination, which is a locative concept.  This isn't some
>strange rule about /-Daq/; it's just a mention that the object of certain
>verbs are already destinations, so there's no need to include /-Daq/
>(though you can add it if you don't mind being redundant).  In other
>words, Klingon locative is not always grammatically indicated, even if it
>is semantically present.
>You're right about /lIt/, though:
>jol SeHlaw lItHa'
>Get off that transporter control panel! (Clipped Klingon from Power]
>The object of /lIt/ is the thing you get on.

I recall something about the way such verbs work when both a direct (locative) object and an indirect (again, locative) object.  Example:

Hovmey vIleng.
"I travel to the stars."

He'Daq Hovmey vIleng.
"I travel to the stars along the path."

Am I remembering correctly?


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