tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 29 07:24:48 2004

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Re: Using object prefixes with "intransitive" verbs

Shamammd ([email protected])

In a message dated 3/29/2004 9:43:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:
<The object of /jaH/, for example, is
always the destination, which is a locative concept.  This isn't some
strange rule about /-Daq/; it's just a mention that the object of certain
verbs are already destinations, so there's no need to include /-Daq/ (though
you can add it if you don't mind being redundant). >
qon SuStel

Usually when you explain something, I completely understand you and greatly 
appreciate the info. However; this time you leave me puzzled. You mentioned 
<jaH> ok. In the sentence <pa'lIjDaq yIjaH! > Daq is used. (something I have said 
to my daughter more than once here lately.) lol  Are you saying that it is 
redundant to use it here or am I completely off-mark again? 

reH taHjaj tlhIngan Hol!

bIjatlhnISchugh, tlhIngan Hol yIjatlh!
HovpoH 701348.1
Stardate 4242.6

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