tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 26 06:11:10 2004

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RE: Using object prefixes with "intransitive" verbs

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Paul:

>/loS/ perhaps might be better thought of as "expect, wait (for)"

chaq <await> lo'laH je vay': <I await him> 'oSlaH {vIloS}; <I await the 
ship's glorious return> 'oSlaH {Duj cheghqa'ta'ghach quvqu' vIloS}.

ghItlhpu' Heather:

>We already have a word for "expect": <pIH>.  TKD says <loS> means "wait
>(for)", and <pIH> means "expect" or "be suspicious".  Please don't
>reinterpret the Klingon words from an English standpoint; they're
>Klingon words.

I think the meaning of "expect" that Paul means is not the same as what 
Heather means. There are two meanings of "expect": "She's expecting a baby". 
If a woman is "expecting" a baby in English, she's not "expecting that she 
will have" one (or "being suspicious" that she will have one), she is 
"awaiting" it. I think this falls right into line in Klingon: {yatlh be'; 
ghu loS} means "the woman is pregnant; she's waiting for/expecting the 
baby", whereas {yatlh be'; ghu pIH}, as I understand it, means "the woman is 
pregnant; she suspects that it is a baby". taQ 'e' vIHar.

That's just my opinion, but that's what the definitions point towards in my 
mind. There's nothing wrong that I can see with translating {loS} as 
"expect". We should think about how it might translate from Klingon to 
English, not just the other way around. As I said, I see some rather bizarre 
connotations to the sentence {yatlh be'; ghu pIH}. She suspects maybe a 
targ? {{:D

>Stick with what we've been given.  There's nothing wrong
>with using these words the way they're defined.  <loS> doesn't need to
>mean "expect" because <pIH> already means that.

{baHwI'} wIlo'laHchugh, {matHa'} wIlo'be'nIS'a'?  {{:)  Synonyms allow for 

If we use Klingon words only the way they're defined (with just one word in 
TKD in a lot of cases), we find ourselves in all sorts of trouble. 
Definitions in TKD are very often ambiguous. {Dub} "improve", {vIH} "move", 
and {HeghmoH} "be fatal" are three examples I can think of that have caused 
debate in the past. And how about {ghor}? EVen that's caused some debate. 

As well, the semantics of {loS} and {pIH} appear different in Klingon (due 
in part to the other meanings we're given), and as I explained earlier, the 
word "expect" in English seems to be the problem due to its ambiguity.

This is something I learned (the hard way, I admit) from the venerable 
{charghwI' 'utlh} some years ago now: One must not only be conscious of how 
the English words translate into Klingon, but how the Klingon words you 
generate would translate back into English.


QeS lagh

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