tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 25 00:02:03 2004

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Re: That's not canon

Shamammd ([email protected])

In a message dated 3/25/2004 1:27:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:
Anyways, different people have different standards about what
constitutes "canon" usage, and this is a greyish case.
Why are headless <-bogh> clauses controversial?  Are there rules
which can be interpreted as allowing/forbidding them?  In
saying that I didn't consider <Dajatlhbogh vIyajbe'> to be
canon, I wasn't implying by any means that I thought headless
<-bogh> clauses were illegal.  I tried writing a few headless
<-bogh> clauses and they do look odd to me, but that's probably
just because they aren't used much or I haven't seen many of
qon De'vId


ok!  yapmev. lol. jImISbejqu'! nuq "cannon" "headless <bogh> clause" je?  
mu'meyvam yIQIj!

reH taHjaj tlhIngan Hol!

bIjatlhnISchugh, tlhIngan Hol yIjatlh! 
HovpoH 701330.4
Stardate 4230.8

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