tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 17 13:39:27 2004

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Re: headless {-bogh}?

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

> The problem is that we don't know how this recording might have
> been used in the Language Lab.  Perhaps the computer repeats to
> you the thing that you just said, and concatenates Okrand's
> recording to it.  

Interesting possibility, but the program came out differently.
Do you have the KLala?
Usually it says something like "no, that's wrong" or so (these files are
also on the cd)

> For example, if I said "Blah blah", and the
> computer didn't recognize this as Klingon, it might play
> back my words followed by Okrand's: <"Blah blah" Dajatlhbogh
> vIyajlaHbe'> 'I can't understand your "Blah blah".'

Nope. Indirect speech doesn't work like this.
IIRC, the object of jatlh is either a speech or a language:
   {Hol Dajatlhbogh vIyajlaHbe'}
   "I can't understand the language you speak"

The other thing needs to be rephrased like this:
  {"Blah blah" bIjatlh. qayajlaHbe'.}
  "You say blahblah. I can't understand you"


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