tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 14 16:43:53 2004

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Re: KLBC {chennISmoH}

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' ngabwI':

>As Holtej, pagh, and marqoS were kind enough to point out for me, the
>correct way to say this is {vIchennISmoH}. It can be confusing, because of
>the possible English translations, but it really does become clear in
>context most of the time. When it isn't clear, it usually doesn't matter
>which translation is used. And if absolutely explicit understanding is
>desired, you can always recast to multiple sentences.

<I cause it to need to be created> 'oSmoHlu'chugh, mu'tlhegh vIyajHa' 'e' 
vIHar. 'ach yajlaH vay'; pabHa'be' mu'tlheghvam.

I must be honest and say that I'd almost always read {vIchennISmoH} as "I 
need to create it". I think that if someone intended to say "I cause it to 
need to be created", I'd probably misunderstand it. (But as far as I can 
tell, it's still good grammatical - and semantic - Klingon.)

cha' mu'tlhegh DoSmey 'oSmeH, {mojaq mIw} lo'nISlu'?

Now for a KLBC question of my own: Must the prefix trick be used to indicate 
double direct objects? For instance, in causative transitive verbs? (eg. 
{qagh vISopmoH } "I make him eat gagh".)


QeS lagh

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