tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 10 14:03:03 2004

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Re: unanalyzable words in tkd

A4773492 ([email protected])

The FAQ will certainly answer many of your first questions, and it provides
information about learning Klingon, using this mailing list, and KLBC.
Maybe you can introduce yourself  (in English or Klingon) or show us how
much Klingon you know so far.

>What language resources do you have already?

>Feel free to ask questions, analyze other people's messages, and attempt
>your own.

>You have been officially welcomed! }}: )

qon ngabwI'

qavan. batlh bIjatlh. DaH tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom neH vIghaj. I think I should 
continue this in English, since a lot of words I am going to use, I don't know 
them in tlhIngan Hol and a lot of them probably still do not exist. :) My name 
is Stanley Wilcox and  I began to learn tlhIngan Hol years ago and had 
managed to collect quite a bit of material on it. I had only been studying it for a 
few months, when I got stationed overseas . At some point after that, I lost 
most of the material I had collected and since I didn't really have enough free 
time for it,  I had to give it up. Awhile back, Shama (weQqul) told me she 
was in the process of learning it and asked me to join the list, so that she 
would have someone to learn with. So here I am. I tried to slip in under the 
radar but she wouldn't let me. LOL  I am sure to make many mistakes along the way, 
(yIqIm weQqul ) but it is quite helpful to have someone to study with; so you 
could say this has become a joint venture.  

nov wamwI'
03/10/2004 17:01 (Local Time)
HovpoH 701271.2

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