tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 09 19:35:00 2004

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unanalyzable words in tkd

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

these words cannot be analyzed into known components of klingon.  
i have divided them in three groups:  1) 16 borrowings (usually from 
federation standard), 2) seven pairs of words that are apparently related to one 
another, but no component is known, and 3) 109 words of no obvious relationship to 
known words, plus three personal names.

1) DenIb/DenIbya', DIlyum, Doy'yuS, Human, mughato', nural, QI'tomer, 
reghuluS, rIymuS, romuluS, rura' pente', tera', toplIn, vulqan, 'elaS, 

2) regarding this group, tkd (3.2.3) cautions that "it is not possible 
(without extensive etymological research) to know what the individual pieces mean."  
jonta' (engine)/jonwI' (engineer), moHaq (prefix), mojaq/mojaQ (suffix), 
nenghep (Age of Ascension)/nentay (Rite of Ascension), nenghep (Age of 
Ascension)/peHghep (Age of Inclusion), pIvghor (warp drive)/pIvlob (warp factor), Surchem 
(force field)/peQ chem (magnetic field)/HoSchem (energy field), 'ejDo' 
(starship)/'ejyo' (Starfleet)

3)  baQa', betleH, bIghHa', bobcho', bortaS, bo'DIj, chetvI', choljaH, 
chovnatlh, chunDab, chuS'ugh, chuyDaH, DIvI', Doghjey, DungluQ, DuSaQ, ghaytan, 
ghay'cha', ghe''or, ghIpDIj, ghopDap, ghuy'cha', HablI', HanDogh, HaQchor, HaSta, 
Ha'DIbaH, HIchDal, HIDjolev, HIja', HISlaH, HIvje', Hoqra', Hu'tegh, jabbI'ID, 
ja'chuq, jInmol, jojlu', lalDan, laSvargh, leSSov, lInDab, lojmIt, lulIgh, 
lurDech, malja', matHa', mavjop, meqba', mIqta', moy'bI', naDev, nawlogh, 
neHmaH, nIteb, noSvagh, ngeHbej, paQDI'norgh, paSlogh, petaQ, pe'vIl, pIpyuS, pIqaD, 
puyjaq, qama', qa'vam, qelI'qam, qempa', qevaS, qevpob, qorDu', quHvaj, 
qutluch, QIghpej, QI'tu', QI'yaH, QonoS, Qovpatlh, Qu'vatlh, raQpo', rejmorgh, 
rewbe', rIvSo', roghvaH, ruStay, SanID, SIbDoH, SIbI', Somraw, SonchIy, taQbang, 
teblaw', tengchaH, toDSaH, toDuj, tuQDoq, veqlargh, voDleH, voHDajbo', volchaH, 
wanI', wejpuH, yIvbeH, yopwaH, yupma', yu'egh, 'evnagh, 'ISlaH, 'urmang

names: qeylIS, qolotlh, Qo'noS

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