tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 01 18:51:23 2004

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Re: tuj luSpetmey

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' De'vID:
>>but none for simple things like "area".  (Is there a way to
>>express the concept of surface area?

jatlhpu' Quvar:
>The closest I find is {yoS} "district, area"

jang De'vID:
>Unfortunately, this is the wrong meaning of "area".  I wanted
>to try <qoD> "inside, interior" and <Hur> "outside", but the
>problem is that I couldn't disambiguate between the surface
>area of a 3D object and its volume.

chaq <<ghor>> Dalo'laH.
Maybe you could do something with <ghor> "surface (of a planet)":

tInchoHtaHvIS luSpet ghor, ghurchoH luSpet Hat.
"As the surface area of a black hole gets larger, its temperature begins to 

luSpetmey vIyajchu'be', 'ach chaq qechvam Dalo' DaneH.
I don't know much about black holes :) but maybe this is the kind of thing 
you are after.

'ej chaq "volume" DelmeH <<logh tebbogh>> Dalo'laH. (qarchu'be' 'e' vISov, 
'ach QaplaH'a'?)
For volume, maybe <logh tebbogh>, "the space which it fills". (I know <logh> 
is strictly "outer space", but would it nonetheless work?)


QeS lagh

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