tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 01 11:00:47 2004

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Re: RE: Segh Soch mojaq <<-pu'>>

Quvar ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 01.03.2004 14:04:03, schrieb "QeS lagh" <[email protected]>:

>I don't object to this. It looks OK from my (admittedly not very 
>experienced) point of view. (Maybe it just sounds weird because there are a 
>whole bunch of <pu'>s in it, but nothing's wrong with it grammatically that 

It feels weird to me not because of all the {-pu'}, but because I feel uncomfortable using a pronoun like 
a verb.
One other thing, the standard structure of "A is B" is {B 'oH A'e'}

TKD 6.3:
If the subject is a noun, it follows the third-person pronoun ({ghaH} "he/she," {'oH} "it," {chaH} 
"they," {bIH} "they") and takes the {-'e'} "topic" suffix.
  {puq ghaH loD'e'} - surely correct.
  {puq ghaHbogh loD'e'} - probably correct.
  "the man who is the child"

  {puq'e' ghaHbogh loD} - correct?.
  "the child who the man is"

Now I look back at TKD 6.3 and get confused with the placement of {-'e'}. On the other hand, I 
remember there was something with -bogh and the topic marker -'e'...

qaponQo' - HIpon SoH.

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