tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 10 01:35:02 2004

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Re: Do you want to go to the qep'a'?

Karen L Wood ([email protected])

Hello Lawrence!

     Are they going to have a qep' a'  in the Albany, New York area 
sometime?  I would very much enjoy going to one!

Kha' Lar Vestai-Wardach
(Karen Wood)
[email protected]

PS.... I also have a new e-mail addy

>From: "Lawrence M. Schoen" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: <[email protected]>
>CC: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: Do you want to go to the qep'a'?
>Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:55:23 -0700
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>This saddens me. I have never turned anyone away from the qep'a',
>nor was it my intention to create that impression this year. In
>fact, it was at the qep'a' that I first learned of Eric's posts
>to the list.
>Clearly there has been a break down in communication. Here's how
>it looked from my end:
>7/5 - Email from Ronda:
>Eric and I would like to attend the qepa' [sic] this year. What
>is the cut off date for registration?
>7/5 - My email reply to Ronda AND Eric:
>The cut-off date WAS July 1st, but if you can move swiftly (i.e.,
>use the KLI's Merchant page to pay for your registration in the
>next 24 hours) I can still accommodate you both. But I need know
>NOW, as various orders related to the qep'a' go in first thing
>Tuesday morning.
>7/7 - Another email to Ronda and Eric:
>Well folks? What's the wrod? I'd love to have you both at the
>qep'a', but I need an answer from you now (and if the answer is
>"yes" then I need money now).
>Because I didn't hear back from you, I've gone out on a limb. I
>included you both in the head count for t-shirts. So, I hope that
>even if you decide not to attend, you'll still send in supporting
>memberships. No pressure, I'm sure I'll find happy homes for them
>if you don't go with either option.
>But please, let me know, one way or the other, and soon.
>7/7 - A followup note to Ronda:
>Both of the email addresses I had for Eric bounced. Please pass
>along that last message.
>Having done all that I could from this end, I put the matter out
>of my mind. I never received any replies. A few days before the
>qep'a' (I honestly don't recall the exact date, though doubtless
>my phone records would reveal it) I attempted to phone Eric and
>learn his plans. I didn't speak with him, but I left a message.
>So, given all of this, and the lack of any reply to me, I'm quite
>surprised and a bit upset to find Eric's posts here.
>Let me repeat: No one is ever turned away at the qep'a', and
>indeed it's not uncommon for people to show up at the last minute
>for a day or the whole event. When they do so, they generally
>miss out on the "goodies" that are provided to "registered"
>members because of the requirement of placing orders weeks and
>weeks in advance to having items (e.g., the annual qep'a'
>t-shirts) printed up. Similarly, restaurants need an accurate
>head count several days in advance. Often the price we pay per
>head at the banquet is a function of how many people we expect to
>bring, and that number is needed a month in advance. Further,
>having everyone registered a month in advance provides the
>working capital to make the purchases of supplies and other
>materials for the qep'a'.
>This is also why the deadline for registration is published in
>HolQeD, giving people at least three months (though usually six
>months) advance warning. But even so, in the worst case scenario
>of people who didn't think they could attend until some last
>minute circumstance permitted them to, they'd be welcome. They
>might not get a t-shirt or any other qep'a' speciality items.
>They might not be able to attend the banquet (though only under
>the most extreme circumstances would we be unable to accomodate
>the addition of another person), but they'd get every other
>aspect of the qep'a'.
>So, that's the "inner workings" of qep'a' registration.
>Reading over my reply to Ronda's initial query, I don't see it as
>being particularly harsh (though I confess, the tone may come
>across that way). If this caused Ronda and Eric to believe they
>were not welcome, I am truly sorry, and I can only ask them to
>reflect upon our previous interactions. If they attempted to
>reach me by email, I hope my copies of my posts to them above
>make it clear that I never received them, as should my phone call
>to Eric.
>All in all, this looks like one of those situations where things
>just fell apart. I have no clear idea of why.

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