tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 17 01:33:25 2003

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Re: word for hurricane

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 17.09.2003 04:16:42, schrieb Tom West <[email protected]>:
>Do we have a word in Klingon for hurricane?


But I guess that's not the answer you were expecting ;-)

"wind" {SuS}
"strong wind" {SuS'a'} 
"cloud" {'eng} [weather term??]
"weather, atmosphere" {muD}

{jev} "to storm"
{SIS} "to rain"
{peD} "to snow"

AFAIK, that's all.
Okay, it's possible that there is a word for "hurricane", maybe there isn't. We don't know.

Anyway, now you could go ahead and construct something, but it would be a description, not 
"word for hurricane"!

Although grammatically correct, the following is not canon, just ideas:
  {jevwI'} "thunderstorm" ?!
  {SISwI'} "shower" ??!
  {SuS'a'na'} "really strong wind" = "hurricane" ??
  {jevbogh SuS} "storming wind"

Klingons certainly have a word for this, if they do have hurricanes on their homeworld. If they 
don't, why should they bother thinking about it?
For instance, the ancient egyptians had no word for "snow". They called it "milk", when they had 
"first contact". [the old arabian word for milk is "leben", therefore "Libanon"]

qov vuvbe' SuS
The wind does not respect a fool!

i.e. Close your windows! ;-)

  Beginners' Grammarian.

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