tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 17 01:33:22 2003

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Re: Things happen Or: One person's opinion

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 16.09.2003 22:05:55, ghItlh "...Paul" <[email protected]>:

>Reviewing my own proposal, I'm no longer satisfied.  The English:
>"Events occur that we cannot control" I think is an accurate rewording of
>the sentiment -- but it's actually not what my proposal actually says.
>The more accurate English translation is 

"Events occur that we cannot control" 
"Events, that we cannot control, occur."  

I think there is no difference in these two. It's only a change in the word order, which cannot be 
done in Klingon.
  "events" {wanI'}
  "that we cannot control" {DISeHlaHbe'bogh}
  "occur" {qaS}

>Perhaps /bot/ is more appropriate than "control" here:

Yes, maybe.
The difference is that when you control "it", then it will happen anyway, under control.
If you want to {bot}, then you try make it not happen at all.

>(I dropped the /neH/ as well.  The word "just" in "we just can't prevent"
>I think is not being used in the vein of "merely, only", but rather,
>"simply, certainly", which /neH/ doesn't accomplish)...



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