tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 04 12:22:00 2003

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Re: reading?

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

ghItlh 'ISqu':
>I think I understand what Quvar means. The romanized script we're using is 
>phonetic so you can read and pronounce even the words you don't understand. 
>The cyrilic script, too, is phonetic. Come to think of it, up to a point 
>something like this is true of my native language, or to be exact of the 
>Polish version of the Latin alphabet. Once you know the phonetic values of 
>letters you can read a text aloud even if you don't actually know Polish. 
>The English spelling is very different in this respect. You often can't 
>predict the pronunciation of words on the basis of their spelling. Think of 
>"oo" in 'look', 'moon', 'flood' and 'brooch'

choyajchu' 'ej bIQIjchu'. latlh vIchellaHbe'.

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