tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 29 10:05:07 2003

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Re: KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

> >    {Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey rut nughojmoH DISmey}
> >
> > Unless you want to avoid the situation of a "transitive verb with -moH".
> > This can cause confusion, and some people like to rephrase this, just
> > like you suggested, with {-vaD}:
> >
> >    {maHvaD Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey ghojmoH DISmey}
> >
> > I'm still not sure if this is the "perfect" solution. I'm a bit stick
> > with the idea of {ghoj}.  What's its object?

>ghojmoH is really ghoj + -moH
>    {maHvaD Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey ghojmoH DISmey}
>    "The years cause the things (which days don't know) to learn for us."
>With the first option:
>    {Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey rut nughojmoH DISmey}
>we might be able to get away with saying it is an -'e' in the "header"
>position, "As for things which..."
>One way to handle the objects of ghoj and ghojmoH is to use multiple 
>   "The years teach us (cause us to learn).  We learn things which the days
>    don't know."
>   /nughojmoH DISmey.  Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey DIghoj./
>And now someone will mention the canon:
>   <<<
>   qorDu'Daj tuq 'oS Ha'quj'e' tuQbogh wo'rIv.  tuQtaHvIS Hem.
>    ghaHvaD quHDaj qawmoH.
>   The sash that Worf wears is a symbol of his family's house.
>    He wears it proudly as a reminder of his heritage. [S20]
>   >>>
>and possibly a fight will break out and blood will be spilled... again.

va!  What's wrong with spilling a little blood!  <g>

There's better canon WRT {ghojmoH}:

   batlh qaghojmoHpu'
   It has been an honor to instruct you. CK

   batlh qaghojmoH
   It has been an honor to instruct you. PK

In these examples - the only ones we have for {ghojmoH} BTW - the object is 
the person being instructed.  Unfortunately, we don't have canon for 
{ghoj}, but presumably its object is what is being learned.  E.g.

   ? tlhIngan Hol vIghoj.
     I learn Klingon.

But I'm not sure how to say "I'm teaching you Klingon".  One simple 
solution is that the object *may* be either the subject or a person as 
needed (as in English).  E.g.

   ? DIvI' Hol vIghojmoH
     I teach Federation Standard.

     matlh vIghojmoH
     I teach Maltz.


   ? matlhvaD DIvI' Hol vIghojmoH
     I teach Federation Standard to Maltz.

   ? SoHvaD tlhIngan Hol vIghojmoH
     I'm teaching you Klingon.

but (as usual!) we need more examples before I can say this is definitely 
how it works.

But to get back to GusZilla's quote... A better question is whether {Doch} 
"thing" can be used in this vague sense.  Every single example of {Doch} in 
canon that I know of refers to a physical object and not something 
intangible, like a lesson or an example or a statement.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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