tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 29 08:06:08 2003

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Re: KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

>    {Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey rut nughojmoH DISmey}
> Unless you want to avoid the situation of a "transitive verb with -moH".
> This can cause confusion, 
> and some people like to rephrase this, just like you suggested, with
> {-vaD}:
>    {maHvaD Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey ghojmoH DISmey}
> I'm still not sure if this is the "perfect" solution. I'm a bit stick
> with the idea of {ghoj} What's its 
> object? Let's see what the list says to this. :-)

ghojmoH is really ghoj + -moH

{maHvaD Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey ghojmoH DISmey}
"The years cause the things (which days don't know) to learn for us."

With the first option: 
{Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey rut nughojmoH DISmey}
we might be able to get away with saying it is an -'e' in the "header" 
position, "As for things which..."

One way to handle the objects of ghoj and ghojmoH is to use multiple sentences.
"The years teach us (cause us to learn).  We learn things which the days don't 
/nughojmoH DISmey.  Dochmey'e' Sovbe'bogh jajmey DIghoj./

And now someone will mention the canon:
qorDu'Daj tuq 'oS Ha'quj'e' tuQbogh wo'rIv.  tuQtaHvIS Hem.  ghaHvaD quHDaj 

The sash that Worf wears is a symbol of his family's house. He wears it proudly 
as a reminder of his heritage.

and possibly a fight will break out and blood will be spilled... again.


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