tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 23 11:12:19 2003

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Re: Duytvoqtah - hui wat fuern tach!

At 01:06 AM Wednesday 7/23/03, Quvar wrote:

>As someone has pointed already, the old version of {Duj tIvoqtaH} is wrong 
>(hey, "old"...?
>"ancient"! this must be a very old dialect :-) For those who wonder what 
>the refrain is it's
>   Duj tIvoqtaH
>   *yabmoH poHtaH*
>This second line is a bit wrong, the writer tried to say "time remains in 
>the mind". That is, time is
>only a product of our phantasy. Since this is the main part of the song, 
>we would like to keep at least the sound of it, the rest of the song will 
>be completely restructured.
>I think the closest is {yabmo' taH poH} "time continues because of the mind"
>any other suggestions? It should stick to the original, and besides of 
>that, it's just a song.

How about

   yabDaq SaH poH
   "the time (period) is present in the mind"


   yabDaq SaHtaH
   "[it/they (i.e. {Duj}] is/are present in the mind"

Both have the same number of syllables, so they should fit the beat.  I 
prefer the second because 1) it ends in {-taH} so it rhymes with 
{tIvoqtaH}, and 2) it avoids the whole problem with {poH}.  Of course, you 
know that {poH} does not mean the abstract concept of time, or time in 
general, but merely a period of time.  (But it's the closest we have and, 
as you say, it's just a song.)

I think you're safe with {yabDaq} "mind, intellect".  Cf. KGT (p.88) on 
{QoghIj} "brain (the organ)":

   "another word, {yab}, also means 'brain' as an organ, but in addition it 
    'mind, intellect' and is not used in reference to food"

but your version {yabmo'} "because of the mind/intellect" works too if you 
want to keep the /mo-/ sound:

   yabmo' SaHtaH

I thought of {SaH} "be present (not absent)" from reading KGT on {Dach} 
"not pay attention, be distracted, lack focus":

   "The verb {Dach} literally means 'be absent', but when applied to a person
    who is obviously present or otherwise accounted for, it is usually
    interpreted to mean that the person's mind has wandered. It does not mean
    'absent-minded', which involves forgetfulness. Rather, it means that the
    person is, for whatever reason, not focusing on the task at hand. Nonslang
    equivalents are {qImHa'} ('not pay attention') and {buSHa'} ('not focus
    [on], ignore')." (KGT 149)

and it calls to mind the homonym {SaH} "care for, be concerned about".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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