tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 21:19:19 2003

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Re: trademark and copyright

Instead of looking for ways to get around the copyright and trademark laws, 
perhaps we should seek the permission of Paramount to allow us to use them, or 
to convince Paramount that it would be to their financial interest to do a 
project themselves.  Does anyone actually know who to contact at Paramount, what 
the cost would be, and the process that would be needed to get permission to 
use the trademarked and copyrighted material?  Further, does anyone know what 
the chances would be the paramount would release said permission?  I can 
certainly start a petition and some sort of officially authorized fundraiser in my 
community and the college I am attending.  I also still have some of my old 
military contacts who could tap the deep pockets of our servicemen (As a former 
Marine, I know I always had extra money and time.  Besides, who better to 
support the warrior race than warriors).  Further, a petition could be started 
online at the KLI for instance.  If we send out the word to everybody on our 
mailing list and beg them to sign it as a personal favor, and to pass it on to 
their mailing lists, we can get something moving at least in terms of Paramount 
doing the project themselves out of a projected interest and probable profit.  
This may well be a task that Lawrence would be best suited for.
       Keep this in mind: the degree of separation from one person to the 
world is 6.  If we find the right 6 people, we can touch Paramount at the core.  
Happy Hunting.
-veS joH

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