tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 12 06:37:31 2003

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Re: (Fwd) [KLBC] wa'leS

ghItlh [email protected]:

>I am forwarding this just to get the opinion on whether the language is right or not, 

Then you should add some english translation, how can I know what you intend to say?

>wa'leS, nuDwI'wIj ja'wI' vISuq! 

"Today I acquired the reporter of my examiner" (?)
That's what your sentence says. It's grammatically correct, but is it what you wanted to say? I admit I 
don't understand. Did you receive any grades or so?



>qabchurgh 'ampaSDaq vIjaHbe'. 

{qabchugh} [no R, even though it sounds like that]
The rest is okay, but I don't understand your sentence.
Please forward it again, with english!

>vItul 'e' jIDo'. -- 


Beginners' Grammarian

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