tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 10 15:17:06 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

ja' ghunchu'wI':
But the only "Klingon perspectives" we can be sure of are the ones shown on
screen, with additional support from specific print and audio resources
when it comes to vocabulary. I can't recall any military context where
"storm" would be an appropriate term for a maneuver, but I can certainly
point to a perfect occasion where the weather term would apply.
If that indeed is Krankor's argument, I dispute it. Star Trek usage,
especially in the movies, trumps an assumed Klingon perspective.

<><>jIQochbe'...Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.  More terms applied to atmospheric distortion, etc. when Praxis was destroyed.  That would make me think the term /jev/ described weather implications rather than it describing one of "storming the castle."  Besides, "storm," when applied to a military term, is slang anyway.  In my humble opinion, it wouldn't make sense to have a Klingon word based off of OUR military term.  Klingons wouldn't know what to make of the term used in that way...

-- ghunchu'wI'

Klingon Warrior
taHjaj wo'!
Darren M. Slade

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