tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 07 11:33:57 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

Klingon Warrior:
> >I use /rI'/ almost daily!  But I never took it as "hail" like on a
>Starship!  I had always thought of it as, "hail" like praising
> >someone or Nazi Germany's "Heil Hitler" or "Seige Heil" (aside from obvious
>spelling differences in German).  "Hail
> >victory!" "Hail the Empire!" Hagh, Hagh, Hagh.  I still think I can use it
> > as "praise, proclaim," but I'm glad my head got back into StarTrek 
> here  lol

>You probably can't use it that way.  It certainly does mean "contact someone
>with a radio-like device," because /rI'Se'/ means "hailing frequency."

Well, I wouldn't go quite that far.  Sailors have been hailing other ships 
for millennia before radio.  <g>  But I agree with SuStel that {rI'} is 
used for ship-to-ship communications.

When in doubt about the meaning of Klingon words - especially those listed 
in TKD - always think of how the word is used in Star Trek.

>If you want "praise," use /naD/.  For instance,
>ta' yInaD
>Praise the Emperor!

You could also use {van} "salute".  NOte the proverb:

Hovmey Davan
You salute the stars. TKW

and note {van bom} "anthem, hymn" which Okrand describes:

"A {van bom}, literally 'salute song' or 'tribute song', is something like 
a hymn or anthem (indeed, 'hymn' and 'anthem' are common translations of 
{van bom}) in that it is sung at occasions where it is appropriate to 
express one's feelings of loyalty and dedication to someone or something. 
Most typically, a {van bom} praises the Klingon Empire itself, often 
invoking its founder, Kahless." (KGT 77)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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