tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 21 14:34:12 2003

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I have a catholic friend who would like to get the Lord's Prayer translated. Here is my attempt:

vav'a'ma', QI'tu' Dabbogh, quvqu'neS ponglIj.

wo'lIj taHjaj. QI'tu'Daq, qo'vamDaq je Danoblu'.

DaHjaj, maHvaD Sojmaj yInob.

pImawchugh, vaj yInoDQo', 'ej wImawlu'DI', manoDQo'.

ghotlhu'moHbe', 'ej ghotlhu'be'moH.


My notes: 

{quvqu'neS}: closest I could come to "Holy"

{wo'lIj taHjaj}: I took this from the way "Thy kingdom come" was used in the church where I grew up.

"Give us this day our daily bread." I want to make sure that the object is edible. (e.g. the bread is not a metaphor for the day).

{'amen} could not think of a way to recast "So be it" (Orig. Hebrew meaning)

Any help I could get would be most appreciated.


porghwIj DaneHchugh,
'ej jI'IH 'e' DaHar,
vaj ghu Ha', HIja'!

(It doesn't make any sense in English, either)

HovpoH 704586.6

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