tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 19 12:08:11 2003

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Re: Thank you for answer.

Am 17.01.2003 15:18:56, schrieb "θŒΆζœˆε€œθ‘‰" <[email protected]>:

>Hello, I'm Wajet.
Are you Wajet, or wa'jet? ;-)

>Thank you for answer.

>It is because my name was expressed as the Chinese kanji characters.
>I cannot change it, I'm sorry.
qay'be'. No Problem.
Now I will recognize you immediately, the mail with the weird signs ;-)

>vIyaj, qaH!
maj. (good)
It's not wrong, but the prefix you are using implies an object, the translation for {vI-} is "I (do to) him/her/it"
So, {vIyaj} is "I understand it". Here, "it" can be the thing I explained, but it could also be enough to just say "I understand" (without any object).
I'm telling you this, because below, you used it where it is wrong.

  "I understand"

  "I understand perfectly"

Good, but: TKD section 4.2.3 says:
Using this suffix implies that an action had been taking place, then it stopped, and then it began again.
So this would mean that you stopped understanding, and then started to understand "again."
This suffix does not mean that you "understand", and then "understand again", and again, and again...
You got the difference?

>I erred, thank you for your advice.
>vIQagh, choqeSmeH qatlho'!
Here is what I said above, using prefixes.
  "I erred" - {jIQagh}

{choqeSmeH} "in order for you to advise me"
This is the literal translation for what you said. And when you add {qatlho'} to it, the whole sentence means that you thank me so that I advise you.
When you think of "I thank you for doing something", it means "I thank you BECAUSE you do something".
We'll do this using the verbsuffix type #9 {-mo'} "because, due to"
  {choqeSmo' qatlho'}
  "because you advise me, I thank you"

I'm not sure if this verb {qeS} can be use transitively (i.e. take an object), here's another verb:
  {choQaHmo' qatlho'}
  "because you help me, I thank you"

or, use the noun {qeS} "advice"
  {qeSlIjmo' qatlho'}
  "because of your advice, I thank you"
note: here {-mo'} is a noun suffix #5, with the same meaning. 
Remember that this is not always the case that a verb suffix is also a noun suffix.

>I wanted to say is "Wajet is a Klingon name(not Japanese or English)".
Well, yes, as I said, you need to do this exactly like you say 
  "my name is Wajet" 
  {wa'jet 'oH pongwIj'e'}
and then replace the words:
  "Wajet is a klingon name"
  {tlhIngan pong 'oH *wa'jet*'e'}

For the use of this nounsuffix type5 "topic marker", read TKD section 6.3 about "to-be"-constructions.

>I have most Klingon-related books. (TKD, TKW, KGT, Hamlet, ghIlghameS)
That's a good basis.

>But for a Japanese, both English and Klingon will be studied to once, it is
Well, unfortunately, most people have this problem. TKD hasnt' been translated to many languages yet.
But it's a good side effect, I've learned a lot of english while learning Klingon!

>I understood well.
>vIyajqu'ta', qatlho'qa'!

>vay' Satlhobqa' vIneHchugh, vIja'chu'.
please give the english translation for me to make sure what you want to say.
I understand 
"If I want to I resume to ask something to you all, I tell it perfectly"
Sounds correct. majQa'!

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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