tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 25 13:06:14 2003

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RE: Earthly

DloraH wrote:
> > How do I give the connatation of the English suffix "-ly"
> > meaning "of" as in "Earthly" or "Heavenly", "of Earth" "of Heaven"
>It could be handled with a noun-noun construction or a /rur/ simile.
>It is an earthly scent.  It is a scent of the earth.
>tera' pIw 'oH.

N.B. capitalization: {tera'} "the Earth (planet)".  For earth (i.e. ground 
or soil) you can use {yav}:

   yav pIw 'oH.
   It's an earthy smell.

   yav pIw ghaj.
   It has an earthy smell.

>It smells like the earth.
>He', tera' rur.

"It smells like the Earth."  Or:

   He'; yav rur.
   It smells like earth (soil).

Or you could say something like:

   jIHvaD tera' qawmoH pIw.
   The scent reminds me of Earth.

We have a good example of using the bare noun like this in phrases like 
{romuluS HIq} "Romulan ale" (i.e. the liquor Klingons most commonly 
associate with the planet Romulus), {romuluS Hov wo'} "The Romulan Star 
Empire", {tera' DIS} "an Earth (Terran) year", etc.

Voragh                            "Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon 
- that's
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons      hard!"                  (Montgomery 
Scott, STIV)

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