tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 24 15:48:33 2003

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Re: New Member/Syll... correction

Russ Perry Jr <[email protected]> wrote:

>For me, I tend to feel the vowels slide into each other without a
>real glottal stop; I guess it depends on how you define it...

Define what? Glottal stop? That's a stop of breath in your throat, like when you watch the news and some turns of 
the TV in the middle of the sentence, then the speaker makes something like a glottal stop: he doesn't get a chance 
to finish his word.
Okrands example is "Uh-uh" for "no".

>tend to think of the commonly given examples "bottle" and "ladder"

I do not understand this example. Do you mean *bo'tel* for "bottle"?

>in fast speech, where I can actually "feel" the glottal stop, which
>I don't feel when I say "radioactive".  Hmm...

Okay, maybe this was not a best example, this word can sound like "radiowactive". The glottal stop between the 
two word is much stronger in German.

  Hol nongwI'.

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