tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 13 08:16:49 2003

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Re: New Member/Syllabification

> Would /ngaraqanI/ be something? Are velar plosives allowed
> in initial position in Klingon? 

There are several words that start with ng

> Perhaps put a
> glottal stop in somewhere because it always looks nice and
> it sounds nice (i.e. sounds Klingon). 
The glottal stop is a letter of the alphabet, just like all the other letters.  
(It is a consonant.)
You don't add letters just because it looks nice.  When that name is spoken, 
are there any glottal stops?

> I was just wondering, you'd probably insert a glottal stop
> in initial or final position, right? At least I assume that
> there are no consonant clusters with glottal stops in
> Klingon. 

The only consonant clusters in a single syllable are at the end of some words.  
Some words end with rgh, w', y' (did I miss one?)

> Are their any rules known concerning Klingon syllables? (for
> example that they MUST start with a consonant or
> something...)

We don't have any RULES, but we have observed that the syllables in the words 
that we do have tend to be CVC, with some CV; with the exception of those 
clusters mentioned above, and one special suffix -oy.

So the name in question would be broken down:  
 CV-CV-CV-CV   (ng is a single consonant)

Depending on how the name is pronounced, glottal stops could be added after any 
of the vowels; or you could put it before a vowel (except the first one) and 
then move the previous C to the previous syllable.
One example:  nga'-ra-qan-'I

BUT, since this is a name, we're usually not concerned with following these 
rules.  Several people here have names that don't fit the syllable pattern.

DloraH   (Dlo-raH)

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