tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 07 10:23:48 2003

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Re: use of "KLBC"

ghItlh ngabwI':

>So I can get my {tlhIngan Hol} critiqued by anyone?

Correct. There are many people out there who just love it to spellcheck every message, and then tell you how you can do it better.

>want. I do understand that the advice might be contradictory, but I think
>I'm getting a feel for this language, and am, for the most part, able to
>filter out extraneous info.)

What you're saying is that you got too old to play with KLBC ;-)

>'ach tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhtaHvIS *KLBC*vaD jIghel net chaw', qar'a'?

reH KLBC Dalo' net chaw', 'ej Hol Dalo'bogh DawIvlaH SoH.
ghomvamDaq wa' pab potlh wIghaj: 
  DIvI' Hol Dalo'DI, tlhIngan Hol yIqel!
  latlh DaqelDI', tlhIngan Hol yIlo'! 

>Why not {maHvaD Qum ngabwI'}?
>Isn't the object of {Qum} supposed to be the thing communicated (idea, word,
>coordinates, love of chickens, etc.), or I am missing something?

This is an interesting question to seriuosly consider. I'll let someone else answer this.

  ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH

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