tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 27 14:16:47 2003

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QaHraj vItlhobnIS! (I need to ask your help)

No doubt all of you have Conversational Klingon, but there is a phrase that is said of which I cannot understand how Okrand says it, and it's a phrase I really want to know correctly.  The phrase is "Bon Appetite, Terran."  Okrand says it during the segment when a Terran visitor to Kronos is eating at a local bar.  This segment occurs roughly 40min:20sec into the tape.  From what I hear, Okrand says the phrase like this, "He Sop" or "He' Sop."  If you could, please listen to the tape and tell me what you hear the phrase as (or if you know the phrase, tell me the exact spelling so I may pronounce it correctly)Satlho'!!

"Mark J. Reed" <[email protected]> wrote:I've added KLBC to the subject so the Beginners' Grammarian
will jump in here. Meanwhile, I'll take a crack at your phrases:

> Meet me at $ at #### hours.
I'm not sure we know how to tell time in Klingon yet, but I'm not up
on the latest discoveries. But just "Meet me at $" would be "$Daq HIghom".

> I have got to go.

> Please!
> Thank you!
> You're welcome.
Klingons aren't big on social niceties, and would generally leave all such
phrases out of their conversation. However, we do know how to say
"I thank you", if you insist: you can say "qatlho'" (to a single person) or
"Satlho'" (to many people).

> Can you come over to my place at #### hours?
(at #### hours) juHwIjDaq bIpawlaH'a'?

> May I come over to your place at #### hours?
(at #### hours) juHlIjDaq jIpawlaH'a'?


Glory to you, and to your House.
taHjaj wo'

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