tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 09 15:37:28 2003

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Re: jajvamDaq wejmaH vagh ben

ja' "Krenath vestai-Veska" <[email protected]>:
>er... chay' jabbI'Id vIngeH 'e' vISov (or something like that.  hm.)

My opinion:  it's *nothing* like that, unless you were trying to say "How
do I know that I sent email?"  In that case, the {chay'} is misplaced, and
has to go next to the {'e'}.

If you were trying to say something else, you've chosen the wrong tools to
say it.  Did you mean "I know how to send email"?  The "how" in that
sentence is not translated into Klingon with the question word {chay'}.
It's a relative pronoun referring to a procedure, and I'd translate it
using the word {mIw}.

  jabbI'ID vIngeHmeH mIw vISov
  "I know the way to send email."

-- ghunchu'wI'

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