tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 09 14:29:16 2003

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Re: pale

From: "Steven Boozer" <[email protected]>

> naHQun:
>  > 'IH DIr *Hawai'i*ngan Doq 'ej wovbe'.
>  > Brown Hawaiian skin is beautiful.

As others have pointed out, the correct noun-noun phrase is {*Hawai'i*ngan
DIr}, not the other way round.

Since you can't have two adjectivally acting verbs modifying the same noun
(there's no rule that states this explicitly, but canonical evidence points
to different means of expressing this sort of thing), I suggest using
{-bogh} clauses instead.

'IH Doqbogh *Hawai'i*ngan DIr 'ej wovbe'bogh.

There are a few examples from Okrand that do this sort of thing.  The {'ej}
joins the two verbs {Doqbogh} and {wovbe'bogh}.  Although {'ej} is a
"sentence conjunction," there is a lot of evidence that shows that any verb
clause can be considered a sentence at some level.

> Now to add {wovbe'} using another sentence:
>    Red/orange Hawaiian skin is-beautiful and it-is-not-light/bright.
>    'IH *Hawai'i*ngan DIr Doq 'ej wovbe'.

This says "A Hawai'ian's {Doq}skin is beautiful and not bright."  The {'ej}
joins {'IH} and {wovbe'}.

What you really want is "A Hawai'ian's {Doq} and not bright skin is
beautiful."  This is what I presented earlier.

> And here's how to add {wovbe'} using a relative {-bogh} clause:
>    Red/orange Hawaiian skin which-is-not-light/bright is-beautiful.
>    'IH wovbe'bogh *Hawai'i*ngan DIr Doq.
>    or
>    Not-light/bright Hawaiian skin which-is-red/orange is-beautiful.
>    'IH Doqbogh *Hawai'i*ngan DIr wovbe'.

These work, but I believe Okrand has never done it this way.

> or, even simpler, drop the color reference altogether:
>    Hawaiian skin is-beautiful; it-resembles chocolate.
>    'IH *Hawai'i*ngan DIr; yuch rur.

Er, well, that borders on confusing: "A Hawai'ian's skin is as beautiful as
chocolate."  It sounds really good, though!

Stardate 3271.0

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