tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 26 21:42:55 2001

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Re: FW: Pronunciation

ja' ~mark:
>Bottom line: who cares WHAT you call them.

When observing the patterns of syllables and modeling their structure, the
actual labels are indeed irrelevant if applied consistently.  However, I'm
not talking about syllable structure.  I'm talking about pronunciation as
described in TKD.  The official source we have does explicitly define
things as consonants and vowels, which is why I'm against calling {ew} a
diphthong when trying to figure out how to pronounce it.

The last half of TKD section 1.2 "Vowels" warns speakers to be careful not
to pronounce certain spellings as they would typically be said in English.
My concern is with someone interpreting that section as officially defining
Klingon diphthongs.  Pronunciation of individual sounds is a difficult
enough thing to agree on from the "lay" descriptions in TKD without
bringing in extra complications with combinations of sounds.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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