tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 20 11:37:48 2001

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KLBC: qoraQ (was RE: HuD vItoS)

> I am also very uncertain as to what this e-mail list is all about.  I have 
> never seen anything like this before, and am quite disconcerted as to what 
> is going on.  It is very confusing not knowing what is going on.  I am not 
> sure what the heck I am supposed to do when half the time I am not sure  
> what the heck is being said. Am I supposed to sit down with my TKD? Or 
> just hope that I start to get it by osmosis?  In other words. HELP!!!!!!!!

: This e-mail list is all about learning the Klingon language, speaking
: Klingon, and discussing the Klingon language. Some of the messages are all
: in Klingon, between experienced speakers who are just chatting.  The one
: you responded to was about mountain climbing.  For now, ignore those
: messages, or stare at them open mouthed.  When you've learned more Klingon
: you'll enjoy reading them and joining in the conversation.  Some of the
: messages are from beginners like yourself, who have read TKD and are
: posting sentences they want to try out.  taD will follow up and help them

These beginners' threads are flagged with the subject "KLBC" (Klingon Language
Beginner's Course [?]).  Another good source of vocabulary and relatively
simple discussion is the "Klingon WOTD" (Word-of-the-Day).  Many threads are
discussed in English, and these often have English subject lines.
: improve their Klingon.  Some of the messages are long and bitter arguments
: half in English, half in Klingon, and you don't want to know about them.

Agreed.  Feel free to ignore these.  I don't think that anybody really reads
*every* thread.  I know I don't; I just don't have the time... or patience.

: YES, definitely sit down with your TKD.  Read parts 1 through 6 for sure.
: Then go back and find a part that you think you understood, and test it
: out.  For example, read 3.3.4 and then try to figure out how to say "my
: sister"  "your weapon"  "their planet".  (You can look up the words for
: sister, weapon, and planet in the back section of TKD).  Find bits you
: don't understand and ask us what they mean.

All good advice from one of our best teachers.  

Once you've read through The Klingon Dictionary and practiced a few sentences
on the KLBC forum with the Beginning Grammarian, a good method to ease you into
reading "real" Klingon which I found helpful is to look for an interesting new
thread - start out with ONE relatively brief post - and go through it with your
TKD, looking up the words and figuring out the grammar.  Then follow the
Klingon discussion on the thread, message by message, day by day.  The trick is
not biting off more than you can digest.

One of the advantages (or disadvantages!) of mailing lists is that people will
quote part (or all) of the previous messages, which is ideal for a beginner. 
Since you've already worked out these quoted parts, you'll be able to
understand when you read them again - and make sure that you do re-read them,
if only for the practice - only looking up an occasional word you may have
forgotten.  Follow the thread until it expires or you're bored with it, then do
the same to a new thread.  While you're learning, ignore threads that are too
complicated or just don't interest you.  In a surprisingly short time, you'll
feel up to tackling them too.

Above all, don't hesitate to ask for help, just flag your question with "KLBC"
to alert the BG.  When s/he's answered your question, others may comment too.  


Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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