tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 20:17:15 2001

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Re: HuD vItoS (for qoraQ)

lab qoraQ:

> I am also very uncertain as to what this e-mail list is all about.  I have 
> never seen anything like this before, and am quite disconcerted as to what 
> is going on.  It is very confusing not knowing what is going on.  I am not 
> sure what the heck I am supposed to do when half the time I am not sure
> the heck is being said.  Am I supposed to sit down with my TKD?  Or just 
> hope that I start to get it by ossmosis?  In other words.   
> HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I think that I am going insane.  Anything would be 
> nice.

qoraQ, there's an official welcomer-and-helper-of-beginners here, taD, the
Beginners' Grammarian, but he might take a couple of days to get back to
you and I can see you need some help NOW!  bImaw'choH wIneHbe'bej!  (=We
definitely don't want you to go insane!)

This e-mail list is all about learning the Klingon language, speaking
Klingon, and discussing the Klingon language.  Some of the messages are all
in Klingon, between experienced speakers who are just chatting.  The one
you responded to was about mountain climbing.  For now, ignore those
messages, or stare at them open mouthed.  When you've learned more Klingon
you'll enjoy reading them and joining in the conversation.  Some of the
messages are from beginners like yourself, who have read TKD and are
posting sentences they want to try out.  taD will follow up and help them
improve their Klingon.  Some of the messages are long and bitter arguments
half in English, half in Klingon, and you don't want to know about them.

YES, definitely sit down with your TKD.  Read parts 1 through 6 for sure.
Then go back and find a part that you think you understood, and test it
out.  For example, read 3.3.4 and then try to figure out how to say "my
sister"  "your weapon"  "their planet".  (You can look up the words for
sister, weapon, and planet in the back section of TKD).  Find bits you
don't understand and ask us what they mean.

I don't think you could learn Klingon by osmosis just by reading it.  It
takes some work.

BTW, if you ever played on TrekMUSE as qoreQ, ngale' says hi. :)

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