tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 06:19:34 2001

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Matthew said:

> I am trying to translate something into tlhingan Hol
> and need some review. Here is the line:
> Death looks at us all.
> Here is the translation that I came up with:
> Hoch nunejbejlI', Hegh
maj. You don't need the comma - you can leave it as {Hoch nunejbejlI' Hegh}.

You might also want to consider the verb {bej} ("watch"} instead of {nej}
("seek, search for").

When I read the original English phrase, I think of the Grim Reaper, who is
sometimes called "Death". I'm not sure whether a Klingon would imagine death
as a specific being like the Grim Reaper, or they might just think of
"death" as what happens to a person after they die.
Instead of "death", you might choose to mention the {veqlargh} ("Fek'lhr"),
which is a mythical Klingon creature which guards the dishonored dead. So
you might want to say "The Fek'lhr seeks us all".

> Death looks at us all, the only thing we can do is 
> look back. -Ovid
- taD

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