tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 18 17:08:19 2001

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Re: Gary and Mike

> How do you know when they were doing it -- do you have contacts with
> someone working on the show?!  Come on, out with it!  What are the words
> they were struggling mightily to pronounce?

Due to web pages I have promoting Klingon, I frequently get "how do I
say...?" and "What does ... mean?"

About two years ago (May 1999) I exchanged some email with someone who
told me they were working on "a television claymation series that will air
on the Fox Network this fall..." [Note: the show aired on UPN in 2001]

"...The two characters in the show go to the Hilton or the Start
(sic) Trek experience and they GAry falls in love with a girl when she
know how to speak Klingon.  PLease help!!"

As I noted in other mail to this list, I need to check my email archives
at work to see if I hung on to any of my replies - all I have around here
is the original email, printed out, from my AOL ([email protected])

They asked for the phrases:  

 Let's go to the show.   
 We are so much alike.
 The honor would be mine.

They also asked for some lyrics to "Thats Amore'" translated - but in a
later email said their lawyers got the OK to do "I got you babe".

My recollection is that, 

1) I doubted this was for real, 

2) I translated the phrases they asked for to the best of my ability and
suggested pronounciations (my usual response for these requests; along
with commending the KLI and denizens of this list for more scholarly
translations), and

3) Since they acted like they were in a desperate hurry, for the bigger
blocks of text I gave them a fast targh Hol rendition using my UTA

If I come up with some more substantive correspondence in my saved
"sent-mail" files, I'll report back here.

	Peace!  yIrojqu'!


**          joel peter anderson * [email protected]           **
** :The Universal Translator Assistant  **
****   Hegh tI, 'ej ngab tI naH, 'ach reH taHtaH joH'a'ma' mu'****
**"The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our **
**         God stands forever." Isaiah 40.8 NLT                 ** 

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