tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 16 22:48:17 2001

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Re: Klingon WOTD: Do' (adv)

ja' Joel Peter Anderson <[email protected]>:
>One *could* speculate that there is an association
>    Do' "ship" / Do' "luckily",
>on the Terran references to "when one's ship comes in" as a signal of good
>fortune.  Pure conjecture, of course, but useful as a mnemonic, if nothing

Typically, mnemonics are useful when they help you remember something that
is worth remembering.  But what's the point of learning a "word" that isn't
really a word in order to avoid learning one that is?

(I personally find mnemonics to be more trouble than they're worth, but I
don't deny their usefulness for others -- except when they are no easier to
remember than the actual thing they're supposed to be a crutch for.)

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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