tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 15 20:55:44 2001

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Re: "The Teacher"

> >QaQ jaj Daq Hoch
> >(Good day to all.)

[email protected]:
> To express "Good day to all" in Klingon, you have to recast it as a
> complete sentence, something like "I hope this day is good for everyone."

> HochvaD QaQ jajvam 'e' vItul.

> However, this is a fairly complex sentence,

How about something like "today, enjoy" or "today, have fun"?

Jiri Baum <[email protected]>
Q: Why did the chicken cross the Moebius Strip?
A: To get to the other... um... er...   --r.h.f.r

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