tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 15 18:09:08 2001

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Re: muvHa'meH mIw / unsubscribe instructions

jatlh Susan:
>the information is there.  But *why* do you expect people to go
>looking for information that they cannot see?  How are they supposed
>to know to go there and look for it?

qechlIj DaQoy DaneHbe', 'ach muvHa'lu'meH Huv De'. tetlh jeSwI' ghuHmoH
QIn wa'DIch. ghuHmoH "FAQ". ghuHmoH Hoch tetlh QIn. muvlu'taHvIS
qImnISlu' neH.

I know that you don't want to hear this, but unsubscribe instructions
are very clear. The initial message explains the procedure. So does the
FAQ. So does every message on the list. People simply need to pay
attention when they subscribe.

'ach ram. maghoHbe' vIneH.

Oh, well. I don't want to argue.

[email protected]

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