tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 15 18:07:11 2001

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Re: muvHa'meH mIw / unsubscribe instructions

[email protected]:
> Could we PLEASE not have feedback on what we SHOULD have kept and SHOULD
> know and just, in words of one syllable, instructions on how to
> unsubscribe?

As I wrote to you privately last night:

    Send an e-mail to [email protected]

Is that simple enough?

You should realise that none of us are paid to help you; we have our own
work and hobbies. We have neither the wish nor the time to hold your hand
forever. That's why I continued with the generic instructions, so that you
know what to do with other lists:

    There are only a few ways of unsubscribing from lists, so it's always
    worthwhile to try them. If the list address is listname@domain, the usual
    ways of unsubscribing are:

	    e-mail to majordomo@domain or listserv@domain (try both) with 
		    unsubscribe listname
	    in the subject or e-mail body (just put it in both places)
	    e-mail to listname-request@domain with
	    in the subject or e-mail body (just put it in both places)
	    any e-mail to listname-unsubscribe@domain

    One or all of these should work or at least send you further instructions.
    If not, you should try the first two again but this time put "help" in the
    subject and the body - that should send you a list of instructions.

    Finally, always prefer to ask the list maintainers rather than the whole
    list. Their e-mail should be listed somewhere in the stuff you got back
    from the above attempts, or you can try listname-owner@domain or even
    postmaster@domain (the mail administrator for the whole machine). Remember
    that they may be busy people, though, and generally not paid to do this.

One should not summon what one cannot banish. That works for mailing lists
just as much as for demons.

If you will not learn then leave. Now. Unplug your modem.

Jiri Baum <[email protected]>
Q: Why did the chicken cross the Moebius Strip?
A: To get to the other... um... er...   --r.h.f.r

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