tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 14 09:54:44 2001

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Re: Peace! (was Re: post)

ja' SarrIS:
> >You write to a Klingon language list and end the
> >message with "Peace"? Do you also write to vegetarian
> >lists and end messages with "Meat"?
ja' Joel Peter Anderson <[email protected]>:
> >Doghqu'!  qatlh Hol lo'lu'taH?  "roj" vIQumnISchugh vaj mu' "roj" vIlo'.
ja' ghunchu'wI':
> wejpuH.  Hughmaj DaghoDmeH roj Dayuvqu'qanglaw'.
nuqjatlh? roj <yuv> 'Iv?
roj chuplu' neH.

> >That is silly - we speak to communicate, and not always communicate ideas
> >that people agree with.
> DaH bIDoghbej SoH.  roj DaneHchugh, qatlh bIQochmeH <roj> Dajatlh?
nuqjatlh?? bIvempu''a'? 'a bIQongtaH'a'? QochmeH <roj> jatlh 'Iv?
roj vIchupchugh 'ej lajbe'lu'chugh, lajHa'meH roj vIchup'a'?

> lugh SarrIS.  roj luHutlhchugh cha' nuv, Qapbe' <roj> jatlhbogh wa'.

cha' DoS wIqIp. Qapbe' roj chup wa', 'ach roj chup pagh,
not roj luta'. chay' roj ta'lu', not chuplu'chugh?

> roj lughajchugh, 'utbe' mu' -- 'ej jatlhlu'chugh, ghu' 'arghmoH neH.
jIQoch. roj wIHutlhchugh, roj vIchupmeH, <roj> vIjatlhlaH.
roj wIghajchugh, taHmeH rojvam, <roj> vIjatlhlaH.

> >If peace is what I wish to communcate, then
> >naturally I'll use that word.
> yIqelchu':  roj'e' DaneHchugh, chaq mu''e' DalonnIS.  mu'vetlh Dajatlh 'ej
> Dajatlhqa' 'ej Dajatlhqa'taHqu', bInuQchoH 'ej ghaytan bIrojHa'.
Do'Ha'. 'ach motlh qaSbe' wanI' DaDelbogh.
motlh <roj> chup vay', nuvvam lubuSHa' latlh pagh lutlho'.

> >Not that we won't be sensitive to the
> >context and all.
> The context of this mailing list demands that such communication be done
> using the Klingon language.  vaj jIQummeH 'eb vIjon.
SarrIS made his original comment in English. Only in his later
comments it became apparent to me, that his criticism was
directed at someone not using Klingon while discussing something
other than the Klingon language. It seemed like he was genuinely
annoyed by her using the word "Peace" as a closing and was 
telling her not to do that! If you'd tell me not to include
"aka HomDoq" in my signature, how do you think I'd feel about
that? this list is *not* concerned with "acting like a Klingon".
Thus, it is quite inappropriate to tell someone that using the
word "peace" on this list is akin to using the word "meat" on a
list of vegetarians, implying rudeness or at the least unawareness
of the sensitivities of regular readers. To be honest, I am quite
surprised how violently (!) the two of you seem to react to such
an (IMHO, and yes, that's quite an un-Klingon expression) innocent
habit. Thank you for your attention.

                                           Marc Ruehlaender
                                           aka HomDoq
                                           [email protected]

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