tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 12 18:37:19 2001

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Re: Publicity

ja' Lawrence:
>...I will be on the air tonight in Indianapolis,
>IN (station WIBC) at about 6:35pm. I have no idea what they'll ask me, but
>it shouldn't be too bad.

Se' jan vIqonbeHmoHpu'.  jabbI'ID Hevchu'meH jan vIlanchu'.  Hoch vIQoylaH.
Do'Ha' qaStaHvIS ram pujnISchoH WIBC.  Lawrence yu'wI' je vIqonlaHpa',
So''egh WIBC 'ej vIQoybe'chu'.  latlh jabbI'ID Hop vIneHbe'bogh chuSmoH
chal tatmey.  va.

I got everything set up at about 5:45 to record WIBC (AM 1070) from 6:30 to
7:00, with the radio carefully placed to maximize signal and minimize
noise.  Unfortunately, WIBC is one of those stations that drops its
transmitter power at night, and it seems that night officially begins at
6:00pm.  Without warning, the signal disappeared in the static of
ionosphere-enhanced long-distance reception.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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