tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 12 14:02:25 2001

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TKD 3, 2.2

tIj:  Is this a noun or a verb?  I translate as "to board."

tIjwI':  Could this, also, mean "boarder" as in a country, state, or something used around a completed piece of stitchery, or is this just for when someone is boarding something, like a ship or a space station?

When saying "one who transports," could you say jolwI'?

When trying to say "a cloak and dagger," would you use So' for "cloak" in this statement?

TKD 3, 2.3

'ejDo':  How would you pronounce ' before a word?  The only thing I have come across in TKD thus far is after.

Valerie  :-)~


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