tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 12 08:19:38 2001

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It *is* difficult for learners.  There is no "teach
yourself Klingon" book, with the grammar being
introduced in a gradual way, exercises, and readings
which contain only the vocab and grammar learned so far
(and a minimum of jargon).  The two excellent beginning
courses:  Dave Barron's, and Holtej's course in pojwI',
are both  fairly short.
Could we have a "learner's corner in "Qo'noS Qonos"
with simple stuff like Xardana's SarDan stories,
{qettaHvIS targhoy yilegh) and so on.  Not as good as a
graded primer, but at the moment it is to a
considerable extent sink or swim
(I've just noticed there is no word for "swim" in
Klingon - presumably for them the saying is {voQ pagh

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