tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 12 07:28:36 2001

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Re: K'Zhen Zu-Merz

ja' SarrIS:
> "Jenny Summers" jIjatlhDI' tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhtaHvIS jIjatlh:
> jennIy SammarSe'
lurDech vIquvmoHmeH, vIjatlhtaHvIS, <n> <nn> je vIpImmoH.
(*KGT* 'ay' wej 'ay'Hom wa' yIlaD; nav wa'vatlh wejmaH chorghDaq
'oH 'ay'Homvam nach'e'.) vaj <jenI> vIjatlh.

jIHvaD pImqu' je "Summers" <SammarSe'> je.
pImbe' "Summers" "Sa'merIS" je.

to me, "Gennie" has a short "n" and a short "i", whereas
{jennIy} has both long; as the last syllable would usually
get the stress, I might say {je'nI}, although it's possible
a Klingon will hear "Gennie" with a "normal" stress on the

{SammarSe'} puts the stress on a syllable that isn't even 
there in "Summers", and I don't hear an {a} in "-mer"; 
(I hear a Schwa, which Okrand seems to transcribe with {I}
(right?), which he also uses to fill consonant clusters with 
vowels, so one might argue for {Sa'mIrIS})

                                           Marc Ruehlaender
                                           aka HomDoq
                                           [email protected]

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