tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 06 00:51:15 2001

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RE: post

> I almost forgot.  Is there a way that I could obtain a complete list of
> words not found in the dictionary?

If there were, it would most certainly be a copyright infringement.
The KLI has a list of words not found in the three commonly available
books (TKD, TKW, KGT - The Klingon Dictionary, The Klingon Way, and
Klingon for the Galactic Traveller), but to obtain a complete list
you'll have to compile it yourself.  I recommend the exercise as it
is a great way to develop vocabulary.

> Also, how has everyone obtained their names?  I'm just a little curious.

Mine is just an approximation of my name in English.  {De'vID} sounds
like "David".  It also means "belligerent data", which I thought was
kind of cool.  It's got Star Trek/sci-fi connotations.  
> Valerie  :-)~
> Peace!


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