tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 25 18:16:24 2000

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Re: tera'ngan Holmey rurHa''a' tlhIngan Hol

At 03:59 PM 09/25/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>It is my understanding that Klingon's OVS structure is unlike that 
>of any natural Terran language. 

This seems to be a rather rash statement.  There are a limited number of
ways that the Subject, verb and object of a sentence can be ordered with
regard to each other.  With the thousands of languages in existance, many
use the OVS order.  If Okrand realy were the first to come up with the
idea, he would deserve a Nobel prize.


Many of the other elements of Klingon 
>are extremely foreign to speakers of Germanic or Romance languages, 
>but do occur in other natural languages: Japanese uses adjectives which 
>are conjugated like verbs, and signifies plurality by context 
>(usually); Turkish uses a structure similar to {-meH}, and can 
>attach a myriad of suffixes to a verb; many Native America 
>languages use subject-object pair prefixes, though many are more
>specific than those in Klingon (e.g. inclusive vs exclusive "we"); 
>Arabic has <noun><noun> possessive form; and there are natural 
>languages which indicate aspect rather than tense.   
>Which direct borrowings from Mayan, Quechua & Aztec have you found
>in Klingon?

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