tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Sep 26 08:27:44 2000

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Re: tera'ngan Holmey rurHa''a' tlhIngan Hol

> >It is my understanding that Klingon's OVS structure is unlike that 
> >of any natural Terran language. 
> This seems to be a rather rash statement.  There are a limited number 
> of ways that the Subject, verb and object of a sentence can be 
> ordered with regard to each other.  With the thousands of languages in 
> existence, many use the OVS order.  If Okrand really were the first to 
> come up with the idea, he would deserve a Nobel prize.

I, too, thought it a rash statement, but it's not mine: I encountered it 
during my perusal of Klingon materials.

Can you provide examples of natural languages which normally use OVS 

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