tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 18 19:11:51 2000

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[KLBC] lIH'egh <<quS'a'Qob>>

<<quS'a'Qob>> 'oH pongwIj'e'.  <Alabama> vIDab.  De'wI' ghunwI' jIH 'ej
yaHwIj vItIv.  muSIghbej vavwI'.  De'wI' cham tIvqu' 'ej jIHvaD De'wI'
cham SovDaj ghojmoHpu'.  qarbej tlhIngan vIttlhegh <<reH DuSIgh

pIjHa' <<Hov leng>> vIbej 'ach tlhIngan tIgh vIHo' vaj SuvwI' Hol
vIghojchu' vIneH.  majatlhchuqlaHchu' jIH'e' latlh nuv je tlhIngan Hol
wIlo'taHvIS vIneH.

Hol Qupqu' 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e'.  reH tlhIngan Hol Sachjaj!


The following is what I've attempted to say:

"My name is <<quS'a'Qob>>.  I live in Alabama.  I am a computer
programmer, and I enjoy my job.  My father certainly influences me.  He
greatly enjoys computer technology, and he has taught me his knowledge
of computer technology.  The Klingon proverb <<reH DuSIgh vavlI'>> is
certainly accurate.

"I seldom watch Star Trek, but I admire Klingon culture, so I want to
learn the Warrior's Tongue.  I want to be able to speak Klingon fluently
with another person.

"Klingon is a very young language.  May the Klingon language always


This is in response to taD's Beginner Challenge.  It's good to finally

quS'a'Qob bu', qa'rIl puqloD.

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